Sunday, August 17, 2008

What do I chose?

Little Luke has been nursing like a trooper. The thing is that I only get up there for 1 or 2 meals a day. The rest of the time I pump. So today he nursed for 10 min. Awesome! However, for some reason they are not counting the time he nurses in with how much he is eating. So even if he nurses for 10 min if he doesnt eat the full 40cc's out of the bottle they count it as a failed attempt at nippling. To me that makes no sense! If he nurses for 10 min he may actually only be hungry for 25cc's or whatever. So here is my dilema, if I nurse him he gets tired (or full) and cant finish the bottle, but my only other choice is to just to let him eat the BM out of the bottle every time instead of attempting to nurse because the nurses arent couting his time at the breast as eating. I mean I guess the good thing is that either way he is getting the breast milk but I have really been looking forward to nursing! So do I give up nursing at least for now?

1 comment:

Brandie said...

No! You tell them to count that and also contact the LC at Baylor. It counts and he is eating.