Saturday, August 16, 2008

A little toot on my own horn

Alright I am going to give myself a little pat on the back for a minute. If you have ever breast fed you know that in itself is hard. It hurts at least for a while, and you never get a break, and well it's just hard! So the fact that I have managed to pump for almost a week is just amazing to me. Luke has tried to nurse a few times but I still pump every 2 hours, even through the night. The fact that I have a c-seciton incision healing makes it even more amazing, because it still hurts quite a bit to sit up and pumping requires that I sit up, pump, put the milk in the fridge and then wash all of my equipment to get ready for the next session. Anyways, like I said just a toot of my own horn. Now lets pray that Luke can start nursing at the breast soon and I can cut down the pumping sessions to a few times a day!

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