Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Swine Flu

Just a few facts about why we will not vaccinate against the swine flu.

The number of regular seasonal flu deaths out numbers swine flu deaths to the EXTREME. The media has severely over done this threat and has caused panic as a response. Even the CDC backed down.

there have been less than 500 confirmed
H1N1 deaths worldwide compared with between 500,000 to 1,000,000 deaths each
year which human influenza is credited with causing(1)

The vaccine may be more dangerous than the swine flu itself. It is being rushed into production with very limited testing. This is a list of side effects listed on the informational sheet of the vaccine. Here is the link to the entire insert

This is a list of some of the side effects that the insert is admitting to:
*Local injection site reactions (including pain, pain limiting limb movement, redness, swelling, warmth, ecchymosis, induration)*Hot flashes/flushes*Chills*Fever*Malaise*Shivering*Fatigue*Asthenia*Facial edema.*Immune system disorders*Hypersensitivity reactions (including throat and/or mouth edema)*In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions have lead to anaphylactic shock and death*Cardiovascular disorders*Vasculitis (in rare cases with transient renal involvement)*Syncope shortly after vaccination*Digestive disorders*Diarrhea*Nausea*Vomiting*Abdominal pain.*Blood and lymphatic disorders*Local lymphadenopathy*Transient thrombocytopenia.*Metabolic and nutritional disorders*Loss of appetite.*Arthralgia*Myalgia*Myasthenia*Nervous system disorders*Headache*Dizziness*Neuralgia*Paraesthesia*Febrile convulsions*Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome*Myelitis (including encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis)*Neuropathy (including neuritis)*Paralysis (including Bell’s Palsy)*Respiratory disorders*Dyspnea*Chest pain*Cough*Pharyngitis*Rhinitis*Stevens-Johnson syndrome*Pruritus*Urticaria*Rash (including non-specific, maculopapular, and vesiculobulbous)

Doctors and other health care workers who are telling you to get the shot often aren't getting them themselves. Why do you think that is? I am trying to find a more reliable source but that same article says that voluntary vaccination led to only a 30%-50% vaccination rate of health care workers. Not even the doctors believe enough in the shot to go get it!

Nurses and other health-care workers said they shouldn't be forced to get a vaccine that they don't believe has been tested appropriately as a condition of keeping their jobs.
"There's no proof this vaccine will protect us from swine flu or protect us from spreading it to others," said Sue Field of
Poughkeepsie, a registered nurse who works in a hospital maternity ward and a primary organizer of the rally. (2)

At the end of the day I am not against vaccines. However I do think we all need to be researching what we are shooting into our children's and our own bodies and weigh the risks and rewards carefully! Knowledge is power. Be sure to look at sites not sponsored by the vaccine manufacturers as well!

Whether you chose to get the vaccine or not just some common sense will help cut down the likely hood of illness. Wash hands regularly, keep sick children home, eat healthy and consider probiotics and a vitamin supplement if you aren't eating properly.


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