Thursday, March 19, 2009

I am getting old

Besides the fact that I know I can see the beginnings of laugh lines I found out today that I am really not as young as I used to be. We took the girls to the park today and already having a backache from who knows what, I decided it was a good idea to join the girls in rolling down a hill. Fun right? Not at all. Its been about an hour and I still have a headache and that backache, well its more like back agony now. Other things that have clued me into my age, I have stopped caring for fast motions like those of a roller coaster and I seem to get dizzy really easily if we are doing anything that revolves. Even as I type I am still feeling like I had one too many drinks. I am glad I had my kids young.


Leann said...

I bet your girls enjoyed mommy rolling down the hill with them! Hope your back feels better.

Brandie said...

I'm older than you. This made me feel ancient, lol.