Sunday, October 5, 2008

My money savers

These are some odd ball things I do to save money:

Use reusable bags at Kroger and you will get a $.05 credit for each one. You have to be sure to point it out as most of the checkers dont think about it.

For Christmas this year I am going to purchase the reusable bags and pack them full of goodies for my grandparents and aunts and uncles. Most of the items they get will be free or almost free!

We have a disney rewards card by Chase. Each month Karl pays our Mortgage payment with it and then immediately pays it off. We get $1 for every $100 put on the card. Not much but when we head back to Disney World in 2010 it will go a long way, and why not since we have to pay the mortgage anyways? The only thing is that you MUST be diligent in paying off the card right away so as not to accrue any interest. Chase has several other rewards programs if Disney is not what you are looking for.

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