Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh the songs they sing

I love how kids have their own versions of songs. My Keira was singing her rendition of "Do Your Ears Hang Low". Let me me share:

Do your ears hang low?
Do they woggle to and flow?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bowl?
Can you throw them over your shoulder,
(I cant understand what she is trying to say for this line)
Do your ears hang low?

Afterward she asks me if she can sing it faster, but what she actually means is can she sing it louder LOL.

My oldest has somehow picked up this:

I can ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars, no handle bars

Not sure where that came from :S

1 comment:

Brandie said...

Brianna is actually singing a song that plays on the radio. It's a horribll weird song too. Look it up on iTunes. LOVE Keira's version.