Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moby Wrap and Cloth Dipes

So I finally made it out to Peppermint to get the x-small covers. Luke is officially a cloth diapered baby. Of course this is right after I spent $11 on sposies last night :S. He had a diaper rash pretty much the whole first two weeks of his life from those stinkin pampers. The covers are so cute on him. I got bright red, blue and orange and just layed liners into them. Ok so the model baby here is a girl but you can just see how cute they are!

The other thing I am totally loving is my Moby. I really needed to clean house today and of course little man was not having it. So I snuggled him into the wrap and he is now sound asleep and my house is now decent. This thing is going to be a life saver for sure.

Last but not least, I took Luke in for his first well baby visit today. Oh goodness can little one eat and it shows! He gained 10oz in 4 days to make him 5lbs 8oz! I guess that is what happens when you eat every 2 hours. He is looking great. He might have blocked tear ducts but the doctor said it should clear up within the month. I just can't get over his weight!


Breanne said...

those are sure a lot cuter than pampers : ]

Brandie said...

Cant wait to see his diapers! And please replace that picture of one with him, he is waaay more cute!!!

Brandie said...

He is sooo cute!!

julie said...

Luke is MUCH cuter than the little girl model!